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How do I apply my voucher?

Our voucher codes are formatted like: ABCD-EFGH-IJLK-MNOP. If you have a voucher and you wish to redeem it, you may click here.


  1. If you have a voucher but were charged for the appointment, it's possible that your voucher was not applied to your account. But don't worry, you can still redeem your voucher, and it will apply to your next cleaning.
  2. Vouchers are limited to 1 per account & valid toward 1 appointment.
  3. However, as a courtesy, your voucher will convert into credits equal to your voucher purchase if:
    • You purchased a 2nd third-party voucher.
    • Your third-party voucher has expired.

To view your Groupon vouchers, log in to your Groupon account > My Stuff > My Groupons.

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